Here is a 100% het for “Moonshine” greenish ratsnake hatchling. First produced by Jim Godfrey, who collected one in Horry county, SC and had the presence of mind to return and catch a greenish from the same locale, making these locality pure. They make two types, one more greenish/lavender and one more pink and yellow. One “Moonshine” will make both types. Feeding on thawed pinks. Both parents are pictured. Take a pair of hets for $150, 1.3 for $300. Buyer pays shipping and thanks for looking!
- Category: Eastern (P. alleghaniensis)
- Shipping Price:: $varies
- Shipping Method: domestic
- Payment Methods: CashApp, PayPal Friends and Family
- Animal ID: MSH004M
- Representative Photo:: exact animal is pictured
- Diet: thawed large pinks
- Sex: Male
- Animal Origin: Captive Bred
- Birth: 07/20/24
- Life Stage: Juvenile